1256D - Binary String Minimizing - CodeForces Solution

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Python Code:

def func():
    q = int(input())
    for _ in range(q):
        linha = input().split()
        n = int(linha[0])
        moves = int(linha[1])
        string = input()
        deslocamentos = 0
        ones = 0
        zeros = 0
        feito = False
        ans = ""
        for i in range(n):
            if string[i] == "1":
                ones += 1
                if deslocamentos + ones <= moves:
                    ans += "0"
                    deslocamentos += ones
                    zeros += 1
                    ans += "1" * (deslocamentos + ones - moves)
                    ans += "0"
                    ans += "1" * (moves - deslocamentos)
                    ans += string[i+1:]
                    feito = True
        if not feito:
            ans += "1" * (ones)


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